Why Juniper?

Learn how Juniper can help you with both your day-to-day and business financial needs.

Unforeseen emergencies

Have peace of mind knowing that if you need cash unexpectedly, you can tap into your crypto holdings without selling and missing out on potential gains.

Everyday spending

You can use Juniper for your daily spending and earn rewards with your crypto debit card, without the hassle & capital inefficiencies of selling crypto to meet your spending needs.

Credit for your small business

Loan or a line of credit for your business can take weeks and require massive paperwork. With Juniper, get the credit your growing business needs instantly, on your terms, with flexible repayment.

Requirements for a loan

Usually, you would need a credit history and a good purchase and repayment pattern to be able to apply for a loan. Here at Juniper, your credit line is only limited by the amount of Ethereum you stake. A hard inquiry makes your credit score go down in the short term. Juniper helps you avoid that.

Interest-free lending

Eliminate the fear of high-interest rates on your loans and feeling insecure about paying off your debt. Juniper offers a unique, interest-free lending service that places control directly in the hands of the user.

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